Monday, December 9, 2019
Immigration ; Americas Future Essay Example For Students
Immigration ; Americas Future Essay Free Swiss Anti-Wrinkle Cream. You Wont Believe Your Eyes!Immigration; Americas FutureThe world has gone through a revolutionand it has changed a lot. We have cut the death rates around the worldwith modern medicine and new farming methods. For example, we sprayed todestroy mosquitoes in Sri Lanka in the 1950s. In one year, the averagelife of everyone in Sri Lanka was extended by eight years because the numberof people dying from malaria suddenly declined. This was a great human achievement. Butwe cut the death rate without cutting the birth rate. Now population issoaring. There were about one billion people living in the world when theStatue of Liberty was built. There are 4.5 billion today. World populationis growing at an enormous rate. The world is going to add a billion peoplein the next eleven years, thats 224,000 every day! Experts say there willbe at least 1.65 billion more people living in the world in the next twentyyears. We must understand what these numbers meanfor the U.S. Lets look at the question of jobs. The International Labororganization projects a twenty-year increase of 600 to 700 million peoplewho will be seeking jobs. Eighty-eight percent of the worlds populationgrowth takes place in the Third World. More than a billion people todayare paid about 150 dollars a year, which is less than the average Americanearns in a week. And growing numbers of these poorly paid Third World citizenswant to come to the United States. In the 1970s, all other countries thataccept immigrants started controlling the number of people they would allowinto their countries. The United States did not. This means that the hugenumbers of immigrants who are turned down elsewhere will turn to the UnitedStates. The number of immigrants is staggering. The human suffering theyrepresent is a nightmare. Latin Americas population is now 390 millionpeople. It will be 800 million in the year 2025. Mexicos population hastripled since the Second World War. One third of the population of Mexicois under ten years of age, as a result, in just ten years, Mexicos unemploymentrate will increase 30 percent, as these children become young adults, insearch of work. There were in 1990 an estimated four million illegal aliensin the United States, and about 55 percent of them were from Mexico. These people look to the United States. Human population has always moved, like waves, to fresh lands. But forthe first time in human history, there are no fresh lands, no new continents. We will have to think and decide with great care what our policy shouldbe toward immigration. At this point in history, American immigration policiesare in a mess. Our borders are totally out of control. Our border patrol arrests 3000 illegal immigrants per day, or 1.2 millionper year, and Two illegal immigrants get in for every one caught. And thosecaught just try again!More than 1 million people are enteringthe U.S. legally every year.;From 1983 through 1992, 8.7 million of thesenewcomers arrived-the highest number in any 10-year period since 1910. A record 1.8 million were granted permanent residence in 1991. Becausepresent law stresses family unification, these arrivals can bring overtheir spouses, sons and daughters: some 3.5 million are now in line tocome in. Once here, they can bring in their direct relatives. As a result,there exists no visible limit to the number of legal entries. Until a fewyears ago, immigrants seeking asylum were rare. In 1975, a total of 200applications were received in the U.S. Suddenly, asylum is the plea ofchoice in the U.S., and around the world, often as a cover for economicmigration. U.S. applications were up to 103,000 last year, and the backlogtops 300,000 cases. Under the present asylum rules, practically anyonewho declares that he or she is fleeing political oppression has a goodchance to enter the U.S. Chinese are almost always admitted, for example,if they claim that Chinas birth-control policies have limited the numberof children they can have. Right now, once aliens enter the U.S., it i salmost impossible to deport them, even if they have no valid documents. Same Sex Marriages1 EssayIn California alone, they cost more than18 billion dollars a year. California currently has an estimated 300,000illegal immigrants now attending grades 0-12. This will costs the Californiatax payers an estimated 1.5 billion dollars. This is 10 percent of thestudents currently enrolled in our elementary schools today! Californiahas 49.8 percent of the countries illegal aliens, therefore, Californiapays multiple costs for its leaky borders. Providing health care for illegal immigrantscosts California tax payers 400 million dollars annually. Illegals drainabout two billion dollars a year for incarceration, schooling and Medicaidfrom the budgets of such major destination states as Texas, Florida andCalifornia. For California alone, a 1993 study by the California Legislatureestimates criminal justice costs involving illegal immigrants to be 385million dollars to the state, with an additional 112 million dollars tolocal or county government. This is a total cost of 497 million dollars,paid by the California tax payer, each and every year! Illinois did a studyshowing that it paid 66 million dollars in unemployment benefits to illegalimmigrants in one year, despite a law that was supposed to stop illegalimmigrants from getting unemployment benefits. Los Angeles estimates thatit spends 269 million dollars in social services on illegal immigrantseach year. Every person added to our population drains our natural resourcesand con tributes to the destruction of our environment. In a Pulitzer-Prize-winning study, theDes Moines Register found that for every person added to our population,1.5 acres of the richest farm land goes out of production to make way fornew houses, roads, and shopping centers. If this continues, the UnitedStates will stop shipping food to other countries shortly after the year2000. How can the United States feed the hungry people of the world? Thenational majority now says it favors cutting back on legal immigration. A TIME/CNN poll determined last week that 77 percent of those surveyedfelt the government was not doing enough to keep out illegal immigrants. For years now, the battle has raged between the federal authorities whoare supposed to police the borders and the states who pay the price ifthey fail. In an attempt to reduce illegal immigration,Nevada Senator Harry Reid, has introduced a bill that would establish anannual limit of 300,000 newcomers, including immediate relatives, anda national identification card. Congress passed legislation in 1986 thatstipulates fines and other penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegalaliens. The bill includes provisions to grant amnesty to illegal alienswho were in the United States prior to January 1, 1982, and to aid farmerswho have relied on illegal aliens to harvest their crops. Does anyone benefit from the rising tideof illegal immigration? Businesses that can profit from employing illegalsat low wages do. And many illegals are better off here than in their owncountries. But many others are exploited by dishonest employers and aretreated like slaves. These immigrants are denied the rights and privilegeswe want every person in the United States to enjoy. In closing, we must all realize this issuewill not go away. Other generations of Americans made great sacrificesso that we today can enjoy the freedom, the quality of life, and the standardof living that we have. When I think of what uncontrolled immigration willdo to the dreams of my parents and grandparents, what it will mean to thefuture of my children, I realize that we will find a way to control immigration. Because we must.
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